ATLAS – Agricultural interoperability and analysis system. The goal of ATLAS (Horizon H2020 project) is to achieve a new level of interoperability of agricultural machines, sensors and data services.

AEDIT, as one of the winners of the ATLAS 2nd Open Call within the challenge “weed and pest control”, developed DIGI-PEST (Digital tool for pest monitoring and management), a data-driven service to optimize the use of pesticides supporting the application of IPM strategies in agriculture.
DIGI-PEST provides Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for managing the main pests and diseases of olive, grapevine and maize, with early warning and risk assessment systems. DIGI-PEST has been designed to guarantee the interoperability and the integration with the ATLAS ecosystem.


Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems -
Start Year


End Year


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